(in-package #:parser) (defun run (p input) (let ((r (funcall p input))) (if (parsing-p r) (parsing-tree r) (input::generate-report (failure-place r) (failure-message r))))) (defstruct parsing tree left) (defstruct failure place message) (defstruct (normal-failure (:include failure))) (defstruct (critical-failure (:include failure))) (defun new (tree) (lambda (input) (make-parsing :tree tree :left input))) (defun bind (p f) (lambda (input) (let ((r (funcall p input))) (if (parsing-p r) (funcall (funcall f (parsing-tree r)) (parsing-left r)) r)))) (defun discarding-bind (p q) (lambda (input) (let ((r (funcall p input))) (if (parsing-p r) (funcall q (parsing-left r)) r)))) (defmacro comp (bindings &body body) (if (null bindings) `(new (progn ,@body)) (let ((v (first (car bindings))) (p (second (car bindings)))) (if (string= (symbol-name v) "_") `(discarding-bind ,p (comp ,(cdr bindings) ,@body)) `(bind ,p (lambda (,v) (comp ,(cdr bindings) ,@body))))))) (defun fail (&optional (message "Unknown error.")) (lambda (input) (make-critical-failure :place input :message message))) (defun one-of (first-parser second-parser &rest other-parsers) (lambda (input) (labels ((one-of-rec (body) (if (cdr body) (let ((r (funcall (car body) input))) (if (normal-failure-p r) (one-of-rec (cdr body)) r)) (funcall (car body) input)))) (one-of-rec (cons first-parser (cons second-parser other-parsers)))))) (defun all-of (first-parser second-parser &rest other-parsers) (lambda (input) (labels ((all-of-rec (body) (if (cdr body) (let ((r (funcall (car body) input))) (if (parsing-p r) (all-of-rec (cdr body)) r)) (funcall (car body) input)))) (all-of-rec (cons first-parser (cons second-parser other-parsers)))))) (defun negate (p) (lambda (input) (let ((r (funcall p input))) (cond ((parsing-p r) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Negated parser result.")) ((normal-failure-p r) (make-parsing :tree nil :left input)) (t r))))) (defun unit-if (&optional (predicate #'characterp)) (lambda (input) (if (input::has-data? input) (let ((c (input::peek input))) (if (funcall predicate c) (make-parsing :tree c :left (input::advance input)) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Predicate not satisfied."))) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Reached end of input.")))) (defun unit (target) (unit-if (lambda (x) (char= x target)))) (defun not-unit (target) (unit-if (lambda (x) (char/= x target)))) (defun literal (target) (lambda (input) (if (input::has-data? input (length target)) (if (input::prefix? target input) (make-parsing :tree target :left (input::advance input (length target))) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Predicate not satisfied.")) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Not enough data.")))) (defun not-literal (target) (lambda (input) (if (input::has-data? input (length target)) (if (input::prefix? target input) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Predicate not satisfied.") (make-parsing :tree (input::peek input) :left (input::advance input))) (if (input::has-data? input) (make-parsing :tree (input::peek input) :left (input::advance input)) (make-normal-failure :place input :message "Reached end of input."))))) (defparameter nothing (new nil)) (defun optional (p) (one-of p nothing)) (defun many (p) (comp ((x p) (xs (optional (many p)))) (cons x xs))) (defun separated-list (p separator &key (include-separator nil)) (comp ((v p) (sep (optional separator)) (vn (if sep (one-of (separated-list p separator) (fail "Value expected.")) nothing))) (if include-separator (cons v (cons sep vn)) (cons v vn))))