(in-package #:cmamut) (defparameter +target-package+ (gensym)) ; TODO: Handle cases where the header file cannot be found (defun get-raw-spec (filename) (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/c2ffi" (list filename "--macro-file" "defines.h" "--output" "spec.json")) (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/c2ffi" '("defines.h" "--output" "defines.json")) (let ((spec (json:from-file "spec.json")) (defines (json:from-file "defines.json"))) (delete-file "spec.json") (delete-file "defines.json") (delete-file "defines.h") (concatenate `(simple-vector ,(+ (length spec) (length defines))) spec defines))) ; TODO: Handle different sizes of enum (defun cook-type (raw-type type-associations) (let ((tag (gethash "tag" raw-type))) (cond ((string= tag ":void") 'sb-alien:void) ((string= tag ":function-pointer") (list 'sb-alien:* t)) ((string= tag ":pointer") (let ((pointed-type (gethash "type" raw-type))) (cond ((string= (gethash "tag" pointed-type) ":char") 'sb-alien:c-string) ((string= (gethash "tag" pointed-type) ":void") (list 'sb-alien:* t)) (t (list 'sb-alien:* (cook-type pointed-type type-associations)))))) ((string= tag ":float") 'sb-alien:float) ((or (string= tag ":double") (string= tag ":long-double")) 'sb-alien:double) ((string= tag ":unsigned-char") 'sb-alien:unsigned-char) ((string= tag ":unsigned-short") 'sb-alien:unsigned-short) ((string= tag ":unsigned-int") 'sb-alien:unsigned-int) ((string= tag ":unsigned-long") 'sb-alien:unsigned-long) ((string= tag ":unsigned-long-long") 'sb-alien:unsigned-long-long) ((or (string= tag ":char") (string= tag ":signed-char")) 'sb-alien:char) ((or (string= tag ":short") (string= tag ":signed-short")) 'sb-alien:short) ((or (string= tag ":int") (string= tag ":signed-int") (char= (char tag 0) #\<)) 'sb-alien:int) ((or (string= tag ":long") (string= tag ":signed-long")) 'sb-alien:long) ((or (string= tag ":long-long") (string= tag ":signed-long-long")) 'sb-alien:long-long) ((string= tag ":array") (list 'sb-alien:array (cook-type (gethash "type" raw-type) type-associations) (gethash "size" raw-type))) ((string= tag ":struct") (list 'sb-alien:struct (intern (gethash "name" raw-type) +target-package+))) ((string= tag ":union") (list 'sb-alien:union (intern (gethash "name" raw-type) +target-package+))) ((string= tag ":enum") 'sb-alien:int) ((or (string= tag "struct") (string= tag "union")) (cook-composite raw-type type-associations)) ((string= tag "__builtin_va_list") (list 'sb-alien:* t)) (t (let ((new-type (gethash tag type-associations))) (if new-type (cook-type new-type type-associations) (error "Unknown type: ~a" tag))))))) (defun cook-function (raw-function type-associations) (let ((raw-params (gethash "parameters" raw-function)) (cooked-params (queue:new))) (dotimes (j (length raw-params)) (queue:add cooked-params (list (if (string= (gethash "name" (aref raw-params j)) "") (gensym) (intern (gethash "name" (aref raw-params j)) +target-package+)) (cook-type (gethash "type" (aref raw-params j)) type-associations)))) `(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ,(let ((function-name (gethash "name" raw-function))) (list function-name (intern function-name +target-package+))) ,(cook-type (gethash "return-type" raw-function) type-associations) ,@(queue:to-list cooked-params)))) (defun cook-composite (raw-composite type-associations) (let ((raw-fields (gethash "fields" raw-composite)) (cooked-fields (queue:new))) (dotimes (j (length raw-fields)) (queue:add cooked-fields (list (intern (gethash "name" (aref raw-fields j)) +target-package+) (cook-type (gethash "type" (aref raw-fields j)) type-associations)))) `(,(intern (string-upcase (gethash "tag" raw-composite)) 'sb-alien) ,(when (> (length (gethash "name" raw-composite)) 0) (intern (gethash "name" raw-composite) +target-package+)) ,@(queue:to-list cooked-fields)))) (defun cook-const (raw-const) `(defparameter ,(intern (gethash "name" raw-const) +target-package+) ,(gethash "value" raw-const))) (defun cook-enum (raw-enum enum-references) (let ((name (if (> (gethash "id" raw-enum) 0) (gethash (gethash "id" raw-enum) enum-references) (gethash "name" raw-enum))) (raw-fields (gethash "fields" raw-enum)) (cooked-fields (queue:new))) (dotimes (j (length raw-fields)) (queue:add cooked-fields `(defparameter ,(intern (gethash "name" (aref raw-fields j)) +target-package+) ,(gethash "value" (aref raw-fields j))))) `(progn ,name ,@(queue:to-list cooked-fields)))) (defun generate-enum-references (raw-typedefs) (let ((enum-references (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 256))) (dolist (i raw-typedefs) (let ((inner-type (gethash "type" i))) (when (string= (gethash "tag" inner-type) ":enum") (setf (gethash "name" inner-type) (gethash "name" i)) (setf (gethash (gethash "id" inner-type) enum-references) (gethash "name" i))))) enum-references)) ; Typedefs get "flattened" so that resolving is just a lookup. (defun generate-type-associations (raw-typedefs) (let ((type-associations (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 256))) (dolist (i raw-typedefs) (setf (gethash (gethash "name" i) type-associations) (gethash "type" i))) (labels ((flatten-typedef (k v) (let ((new-v (gethash (gethash "tag" v) type-associations))) (when new-v (setf (gethash k type-associations) new-v) (flatten-typedef k new-v))))) (maphash #'flatten-typedef type-associations)) type-associations)) (defstruct spec consts functions typedefs composite enums) ; This is done so we can separate definition types into stages when generating code. ; Some crazy shit is happening when processing typedefs so we can identify nested composite types and put them into the right buckets. ; What's left on the typedefs are references to said composite types. ; This allows for a comfier type resolution stage by letting us flatten typedefs. ; Composite types cause problems because they can't be redefined. (defun classify-definitions (raw-spec) (let ((spec (make-spec))) (dotimes (i (length raw-spec)) (classify-definition (aref raw-spec i) spec)) spec)) (defun classify-definition (def spec) (let ((tag (gethash "tag" def))) (cond ((string= tag "function") (push def (spec-functions spec))) ((and (string= tag "const") (gethash "value" def)) (push def (spec-consts spec))) ((or (string= tag "typedef") (string= tag ":array") (string= tag ":pointer")) (let* ((internal-type (gethash "type" def)) (internal-tag (gethash "tag" internal-type))) (cond ((or (string= internal-tag "struct") (string= internal-tag "union")) (when (string= (gethash "name" internal-type) "") (setf (gethash "name" internal-type) (gethash "name" def))) (push internal-type (spec-composite spec)) (setf (gethash "type" def) (json:obj ("tag" (gethash "tag" internal-type)) ("name" (gethash "name" internal-type))))) ((or (string= internal-tag ":array") (string= internal-tag ":pointer")) (classify-definition internal-type spec))) (when (string= tag "typedef") (push def (spec-typedefs spec))))) ((string= tag "enum") (push def (spec-enums spec))) ((or (string= tag "struct") (string= tag "union")) (push def (spec-composite spec))))) spec) (defun gather-composite-dependencies (composite) (let ((names (make-hash-table))) (labels ((get-deps (def) (dolist (param (cddr def)) (let ((param-type (cadr param))) (when (listp param-type) (cond ((or (eql (car param-type) 'sb-alien:struct) (eql (car param-type) 'sb-alien:union)) (setf (gethash (cadr param-type) names) t) (get-deps param-type)) ((and (eql (car param-type) 'sb-alien:array) (listp (cadr param-type))) (setf (gethash (caadr param-type) names) t) (get-deps (cadr param-type))))))))) (get-deps composite)) names)) (defun sort-composites-by-deps (composites) (let ((comps-and-deps (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x (gather-composite-dependencies x))) composites)) (result nil)) (labels ((filter-deps (cnd) (let ((new-cnd (remove-if (lambda (x) (= (hash-table-count (cdr x)) 0)) cnd))) (if (= (length new-cnd) (length cnd)) result (progn (dolist (i cnd) (when (= (hash-table-count (cdr i)) 0) (push (car i) result) (dolist (j new-cnd) (remhash (second (car i)) (cdr j))))) (filter-deps new-cnd)))))) (filter-deps comps-and-deps)) (reverse result))) (defun codegen (spec function-filter) (let ((enum-references (generate-enum-references (spec-typedefs spec))) (type-associations (generate-type-associations (spec-typedefs spec)))) (let ((consts (mapcar #'cook-const (spec-consts spec))) (enums (mapcar (lambda (x) (cook-enum x enum-references)) (spec-enums spec))) (composite (mapcar (lambda (x) `(sb-alien:define-alien-type ,(cadr x) ,x)) (sort-composites-by-deps (mapcar (lambda (x) (cook-composite x type-associations)) (spec-composite spec))))) (functions (mapcar (lambda (x) (cook-function x type-associations)) (if function-filter (remove-if-not function-filter (spec-functions spec)) (spec-functions spec))))) (remove-duplicates (concatenate 'list consts enums composite functions) :test #'equal)))) (defun to-file (code filename) (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (let ((*print-length* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-pretty* nil) (*package* (find-package +target-package+))) (format f "~{~s~&~}" code)))) (defun file-name (path) (subseq path (1+ (or (position #\/ path :from-end t) -1)) (position #\. path))) (defun run (input &optional function-filter) (when (not (find-package +target-package+)) (make-package +target-package+)) (let* ((raw-spec (get-raw-spec input)) (spec (classify-definitions raw-spec)) (code (codegen spec function-filter))) (to-file code (concatenate 'string (file-name input) ".lisp"))) (delete-package (find-package +target-package+)))